Sunday, June 10, 2012

New Journey

Moving back in with your mother(parents) has its perks. I enjoy the lovely home cooked food and also get to spend some quality time with family but I think I'm already over it. I do miss Orlando, FL but I feel my time was up and now its time for another journey in my life.

I haven't been searching for a job like I should be...maybe it's not the moment and time for a job because the lord knows I've been working and attending school for years, so this break was very much needed. I do enjoy sewing back again, haven't done it in over a year so now that I can sale and sew and none of its for a grade I do enjoy it more than in the past. With that said I do intend to take my creations to a higher level, maybe I should take it serious. I really enjoy being my own boss, kinda fun and I must say it really changes my view on my career goals but who knows what could be next for me... I would like to expand my ruffle pin and faux fur tails and maybe start to sale some exotic leggings... Who doesn't like a nice pair?! But it's just a thought... maybe, maybe not.

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